Tag Archives: rice

El Taco De Mexico

by Mikey

I took a little journey south of the border, well, south of Main St anyways.  I had heard many good things about El Taco de Mexico.  However, what they did not tell me was that there were like 5 of these places, all over Ventura County. Without knowing which one was the good one, I was hopeful that I might get lucky.

El Taco de Mexico – Ventura, Main St by the Pacific View Mall










The first thing I noticed about this joint was that it was like a sauna inside. The heat was horrible. I was only inside for 10 minutes so far and was sweating like I stole something. If they are not going to kick up the AC then they need to invest in some el fanos.

Wiping the sweat from my eyes I noticed that the menu was 20% Spanish and 80% pictures. Lucky for me I took 3 years of Spanish in high school, finally I’d get to use it for something. Continue reading


Filed under Ventura, Ventura County

Wasting Away at Margarita Villa

by Mikey

Any trip to Ventura should always include a trip to the Harbor.  There are a lot of restaurants to choose from, so over the next few months EatMeCalifornia will try to get you a good idea of where to go for the best views and the best food.  We’ve already given you the Seafood Broiler.  Now it’s time to spend some time at Margarita Villa.

Margarita Villa – Ventura Harbor

Margarita Villa is on the top deck, right above the carousel.  They have one of the best views of the Harbor and a great deck to eat and enjoy the view. Like most of the restaurants in the harbor, it has the hand painted walls, lots of windows and a full bar.  There are a few TVs to catch a game and they have a live band a few nights a week.  On this particular night there was a band and for the most part they played cover songs.  All I remember of the talent is a horrible rendition of Johnny Be Good.  I hoped the food would be better then the music, because I think I saw Chuck Berry crouched in a corner, ready to hit the lead singer with his guitar. Continue reading

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Filed under Ventura, Ventura County

Tia Babe’s and the Return of Me!

by Mikey

First off, many thanks to B-hizzle for filling in for me while Time Warner did some work on the lines.  If you all have an opportunity to get internet from somebody else, go ahead and do that.  At least you all got to enjoy all Brian all the time.    On to Tia Babe’s! Continue reading


Filed under Santa Paula, Ventura County

Maki Yaki – Chain Sushi

by Mikey

Maki Yaki is a franchised sushi joint.  I guess you could say it’s the Arby’s of sushi.  It’s not as fast food as a San Sai, but it is more fast food than your locally owned sushi restaurant.  The question remains, though, how does the quality stand up to other sushi restaurants?

Maki Yaki – On Thompson in Ventura – Also with many locations in CA and surrounding states.

I was at the Ventura location not this one.

I was at the Ventura location, not this one.










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Filed under Everywhere

Thai one on after you tie one on

by Brian

My buddy Adam, of Orochon Ramen fame, makes his triumphant return to EatMeCalifornia in this first post in a series on Asian cuisine.  As many of you know, I am not asian.  I’m not even smart like asian people tend to be.  I grew up eating meat and pototo based meals, and as a result, was morbidly obese at the age of 12.  Okay, not really, but I was husky.

Anyway, Adam is my new Asian food guru.  He promised to show me the ropes and keep me out of trouble.  To get a good baseline for Thai food he took me to one of his favorite Thai restaurants called Sanam Luang Cafe.  The real credit for this find goes to one of my former fraternity bros, Tam.  His parents grow the fabled Ghost Pepper, which is the hottest chili in the world.  Because of this, he knows everything about pretty much everything.  So thanks, Tam, for lookin’ out.

Sanam Luang Cafe – West of the 170 on Sherman Way in North Hollywood

It looks different at night... i'm told.

It looks different at night... i'm told.

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Filed under Los Angeles Area, North Hollywood

Kyoto not just a place in Japan

by Mikey

First off I apologize to everyone for not getting this up yesterday.  The Angels and some computer issues were to blame.  If it helps, I will have Brian write you an essay on why “Hella” is his favorite word.  On to the review….

I always wonder where Sushi places get their name.  It’s easy when it’s “I Love Sushi”, “Sushi Planet”, or when they use the name of the chef or owner. Me, I would call mine Mikey’s House O’ Fishies.

Kyoto is a place in Japan and one of its largest cities.  It is also a huge cultural and spiritual center in Japan.  Who said you never learn anything on this site? Naturally, you figure any place named after such a wonderful city should have a great spice rack and a good mix of traditional and modern flavors.  Hop on my magic school bus and we’ll check it out.

Can you see me I'm the one waving with the hat on?

Can you see me I'm the one waving with the hat on?


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Filed under Ventura, Ventura County

Camarillo’s Sumo Sushi

by Mikey

Sumo seems to be a popular name for Sushi places. I found that the Sumo in Camarillo and the Sumo in Ventura are completely separate joints. Which pretty much means there is a good Sumo and a bad Sumo. Unfortunately for Camarillo they have the bad Sumo.

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Filed under Camarillo, Ventura County