Tag Archives: Bar

Mikey’s Buffet Rules – Part 2

by Mikey

Ok so we left you off at the line-hop rule.  Here are the final five rules that will get you through a buffet safe and jam packed with the good stuff.

Mikey’s Buffet Rules 5-1

5 – If it is not a seafood buffet, avoid the seafood.  This is a tricky rule.  Seafood, itself, requires you to know what kind of place you’re eating at.  I generally try to avoid seafood unless it is a seafood specific fiesta.  If it’s mostly red meat and then, off in a corner, there is some shrimp and maybe some crab or shredded crab salad, I will avoid it.  I don’t trust shrimp or crab that is hanging out with the red meat.  I don’t feel like all the care in the world is being put into the two seafood dishes. During a seafood buffet, you can feel safe ’cause they are working the ocean zone so everything is scrubbed and cleaned and prepared.

4 – If you don’t know what it is, and everyone seems to be avoiding it, do the same. There is a reason there is a big pile of whatever it is.  This country was built on suspicion and distrust.  Don’t mock what your country’s foundation is.  Pass up that pile of what could be meat or cake.

Besides I went to an Indian food buffet once and was the only one to get some of this green stuff everyone was avoiding.  To make a long story short, I was able to read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica in the bathroom.

3 – Do I need to finish my plate before I go back for more? Hell no! How often do you grab some salad that looked great, but tasted like a burnt pencil eraser?  Yeah I know you feel a little guilty about leaving un-eaten food on a plate.  The key is to get up and push your plate to the left where someone else in your party is sitting.  If they are gone then just put it on their plate.

2 – Don’t take fruit for a desert and punch anyone else who does in the neck.  At a buffet it’s your job to try every type of desert they have.  This is the one time you break rule 4 and you try stuff you don’t recognize.  Get the green pudding in the paper with the jelly bean on top.  If it sucks, no harm done, try something else.  If someone at your table is getting up, tell them to get you anything you might have missed.  Every desert needs to be tried.  If they only have soft serve and jello, then find the manager and punch him in the sternum.

1 – The last and final rule is if someone in your party makes some crack about having to loosen their belt, or needing to take a nap, you punch them in the gut or slap them with a piece of prime rib you didn’t finish.  All buffet jokes must be original and funny or you get stabbed with a corn cob.

Put these rules into effect immediately.  They will make your buffet experience more pleasurable and more exciting. Keep in mind that it’s all you can eat.  If you see someone only go up twice, let them know they need to step it up or you’re going to make them throw it all up and start over.

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Filed under Everywhere

Fred’s Mexican Café

by Mikey

Yes it’s another review for a Mexican Restaurant; this one however has 2 great things going for it. Location and atmosphere. Fred’s is on the main drag in Huntington Beach and its got good food and a really great atmosphere for drinkin and hanging out. Only issue is stairs…….

Fred’s Mexican Café – Huntington Beach

Just like the Huntington Beach Brewery, Fred’s has a mass amount of stairs. Drunk people must be much more coordinated in HB cause stairs around here means drunks giggling, laughing, yelling, and then falling. Drunks need flat ground as they drink in herds and need flat space to sip from the well and run in the event of an ex or the police.

Once you make the assent up to Fred’s you’ll see that it was worth it. Half their seating has a great view of the nightlife below and they even have the place split in half with the serious drinkers on one side and the social drinkers on the other side. They have a fireplace which is beautiful but unnecessary for the alcoholic as we have internal heating systems that are triggered by the consumption of Vodka or Whiskey.


Fred’s also has some pretty good music. Anywhere they play 80’s and early 90’s is good for me. I know Brian is more into Yani and old guys that play wood flutes but it was still pretty rockin.

They have a few beers on tap and my brother Alex and I ordered up a couple. I got mine in the huge ass Fred’s Glass which is great at the beginning but tends to get warm kinda quick.

I was the only one eatin tonight as my bro decided that beer, chips , and salsa is all that would be on his menu. I being A: a big dude, and B: a guy who writes for a food site tries to get food wherever I go. I ordered the carne asada enchilada plate.

First off their salsa is decent. It’s perfect for those alcoholics that like to graze while the drink with the heard. It’s not all that spicy but is still zesty and fresh tasting.

The enchilada was not too bad. The carne asada was good; it was cooked well and had a great flavor. The cheese is a bit bland and I would have enjoyed a more zesty and exciting sauce. It’s not a bad dish but it could use some life. Kick up the chili, the garlic, add some onion, cilantro, a little lime, anything to give it just a bit more life.








I’d like to try a few more dishes there so I’m counting on you guys to head over to Fred’s and try it out. It’s a really great place to drink and I’d like to know how some of their other dishes play out. See if you can get them to put in an escalator.

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Filed under Huntington Beach, Orange County

Huntington Beach Beer Company

by Mikey

Its time to veer off from the world of food for just a bit and show off a great place to get beer, beer, and more beer. It’s an awesome place on Main St, that has some excellent brews, just watch out for the guy that steals the chairs.

Huntington Beach Beer Company – Main St, Huntington Beach

My bro ,who is staying in HB, took me to a few of the great spots in and around town.  I’ll be throwing a few on here.  From here on out, the place will be known as HBBC because I don’t feel like typing that whole thing out every time I use the name.


We shared a pitcher of the wheat beer, which was actually pretty damn good.  I’m not always a fan of the hef but theirs is done well.  It would be great to drink on one of those days when you’re out in the hot sun watching other people work.  We didn’t try too many others because it was just the beginning of our alcoholic adventure.

The place itself is upstairs, which can be a problem for most of us alcoholics.  Negotiating stairs drunk is a lot like a Pauly Shore movie. Yeah it’s got funny parts, but for the most part it is going to be bad. Another good reason to spread out the drinking.

They do have some great TV action, so it is a great place to watch sports.  They also have a patio with an outstanding view. It’s the perfect place to start off a first date when that game you were watching is still on, but you still want to make a good impression.  She’ll think you’re awesome for picking a great place to drink and you’ll get the chance to see your boys wrap up the game on TV.

I do have a couple general complaints. First, the help could increase the whole “happy, glad to see ya” thing.  They spend a lot of time having fun and laughing with each other, but as far as interacting with the public, they lean more towards “lets just get it over with”.  Maybe they were just upset about the current state of the economy.

The other thing that was odd is that this dude came by and took all the bar stools.  He didn’t say why, he just said he needed to remove the stools.  I figured he received some kind of vision and had to build something so the voices would stop.  Still, standing with a pitcher of beer doesn’t work as well as sitting comfortably.  I was hoping at that point for some kind of break dancing competition to break out with the new amount of space made.  But alas, no cardboard in sight.

We used the chair removal as our cue to hit up the next spot.  I would definitely hit up this place again.  They have some great beer and feature some nice seasonal brews.  They have some awards from the LA County Fair and the CA State Fair.  Silver medals abound throughout the taps; it’s definitely a great place to drink.  If you eat there, let me know how the food is.

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Filed under Huntington Beach, Orange County

There is a Pub at the Ronald Reagan Library!

by Mikey

Did you guys know the Ronald Reagan Library has a pub?  Nobody ever tells me these things.  I recently went to Reagan’s memorial library because my boy wanted to take me there.  He knows I’m a history buff and that they have a lot of things I’d like to see.  What I didn’t know is that I could get lit while pretending to be president on Air Force One.

Air Force One from Nixon to Regan

Air Force One from Nixon to Reagan









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Filed under Simi Valley, Ventura County

Rookees – Sportsbar and Grill

by Mikey

Rookees is a sports bar and grill down on Main St. in Ventura.  It’s an excellent spot to catch the game, get some food, and most importantly, drink like you did right before your doctor told you your liver is the size of an adult raccoon.  They have plenty of beers on tap and we even managed to try a few of the dishes.

Rookees – Main St Ventura

I drank with this dude he owns property in Silverstrand

I drank with this dude. He owns property in Silverstrand

Rookees is like your modern day sports bar.  Just like the Espn Zone there are tons of TVs and they are all huge.  You can watch a game from almost anywhere in the place.  They have booth seating, tables and plenty of room at the bar. They even have a few themed nights.  We happened to be there on Surf night, which meant the help dressed a bit more tropical.  All the TVs were linked into surf video and they had a nightly drawing, giving away surf boards and various other beach gear. Since they were not giving away a whale carcass or a hat made from sea lion, I did not participate.

We ordered the appetizer sampler, chicken enchiladas, and the mini hamburgers.  It’s way too dark in the place to really get a good picture of the food so you’re just gonna have to go see for yourself.  Dark places can be good for bringing ugly dates, so if you’re dating someone you don’t want other people to see you with, I’d take them to Rookees. Get a corner booth. Your friends will never see you there. You can just sit back in the dark and watch them get more attractive with every round. Continue reading

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Filed under Ventura, Ventura County

The only one in Golden China

by Mikey

Got some requests for more Chinese food so I hit up one of Ventura’s older places, right off of Seaward.  You can see it from the 101 and from what I hear they are more popular for their Karaoke nights then they are for the dining.  I’d actually been there before.  A few years back I hit up the bar with some friends and sang Enter Sandman, but I’d never had the food before.  Off we go to a very large Chinese Restaurant called Golden China. Continue reading

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Filed under Ventura, Ventura County

Your Introduction to PMS

Here at EatMeCalifornia we’ve decided that one man is not enough to truly judge a pizza.  Therefore, Mikey and I will be tag-teaming pizza joints all over the state to give you the best, and worst, pizza that California can dish up.  We’ll take on all challengers, thick crust or thin, deep dish or New York.  Bring on your cheesy, greasy, saucy, worst.  We’ll eat it, rate it, purge it, clean it up and do it all over again.

First up is a little family-owned spot next to Ventura College, called Santino’s.  Before we get into our review, we have to talk a little bit about Continue reading


Filed under Ventura, Ventura County