Camarillo’s Sumo Sushi

by Mikey

Sumo seems to be a popular name for Sushi places. I found that the Sumo in Camarillo and the Sumo in Ventura are completely separate joints. Which pretty much means there is a good Sumo and a bad Sumo. Unfortunately for Camarillo they have the bad Sumo.

Sumo Sushi Camarillo Carmen/Daily

Is no sign a bad sign?
Is no sign a bad sign?

I’m going to keep this fairly short.  As I explained before, sushi is subjective.  Everyone likes different things.  I’m just going to go over the basics.

My boy and hit Sumo Sushi on our way to play some righteous laser tag.  I hate the food they have at gimmicky places like Chuck e Sleeze, Lazerstar, or any other entertainment type place that tries to sell you their crappy food.  I’ve never been to a place, beyond say Disneyland, where I can actually have a meal that I won’t have to evacuate an hour later.

Sumo Sushi again hits all the decorating points these places hit.  A bit of Ancient Japan, mixed with pop culture Japan.  Everyone is very friendly and yells “Hoboshaveice!”, when you walk in the door.  I’m not quite sure what they’re yelling so anyone feel free to educate me.

We sat at the sushi bar, where my son ate all the edamame while I ordered for us.  I managed to get a half of one.  I ordered sashimi tuna and salmon, a crazy roll, tempura shrimp roll for the monkey, and then some various shrimp and crab rolls.  I also had the chef at the bar give me a couple of his best so I have no idea what they are called.

First off, the tuna was awful, by itself and in a roll.  It was gritty and left a film.  I kinda wanted to spit it out.  I’m guessin they fish at the tuna meth rehab house and get all the strung out tuna.  The salmon was better; it had a great mellow flavor and almost melted in the mouth.  The shrimp and crab were fine, nothing to get excited about, but nothing too memorable about them either.

The tempura roll was good, the tempura was crisp, the shrimp had a great flavor and the eel was mellow with a great consistency.  My one major complaint would be the rice.  It was way too over-cooked.

My favorite item of the night was the crazy roll.  Great flavors, wonderful sauces and it was sweet and spicy at the same time.  My son didn’t care for it all that much, but he doesn’t like that kind of spice.

This Sumo for the most part is not to hot, I’d go to the one in Ventura way before this one.  The fish, for the most part, was tolerable. (minus the tuna)  Maybe wait a couple weeks for them to get the tuna that’s not on its death bed waiting to be rolled into some fat guy’s dinner.



Filed under Camarillo, Ventura County

8 responses to “Camarillo’s Sumo Sushi

  1. Amy Talley-Klotz

    You need to toughen up your digestive tract if you want to stick with this job! On the other hand maybe a quick flush can be benificial in some cases.

    Thanks for the review. I’m new to sushi. Pregnancy does weird things to your culinary psychie – my first pregnancy turned me into a puker anytime I even smelled fish. Once had an enjoyable meal heaving outside of The Landing in Westlake. However, my 3rd pregnancy had me CRAVING raw fish. WTF?! I don’t know. So I tried sushi for the first time last spring and so far I’m loving it.

    The new sushi place in Newbury Park next to Holdens (can’t recall the name – another pregnancy side effect) is great, friendly and has a huge half price menu. So far so yum!

    • Mikey

      Isn’t there some kinda rule against eating raw fish when you have an unauthorized mini hitchhiker in your breadbasket? I thought you ladies had to avoid Sushi, Straight Gin, and heavy metal in fear the baby would come out sideways singing the theme song to Cheers.

      Thanks for the comments. Sushi will always be one of those things that everyone feels different about. So i’m gonna try and keep it just to the fish and the sauces. Though I will sneak a few jabs in here and there cause it makes me feel like the hot girl at prom.

  2. Sumo Sushi is our least favorite sushi place in Camarillo. We usually go to Masa Sushi off of Las Posas, but we also recently liked Sushi Planet in Old Town.

    (Here via @talleyklotz. She says you and I may have worked together, but I left HOMS five years ago, so maybe you were there after my time.)

    • Mikey

      Yeah I agree with you it probably is one of the worst in Camarillo. I usually go to Masa too, it’s hard for me to do a review on his place ’cause I’m friends with the man himself, so all I can say is he never disapoints. Buy him a beer and let him work his magic.

      I was at HOMS for almost 4 years so it was definatley after. F HOMS with a crooked oscar meyer weiner. I’m not bitter

  3. Rob

    Gotta disagree with you here. Maybe you just went on a bad day or something? Was it a Monday? As a sushi lover I learned long ago not to order sushi on a Monday.

    That said, I’ve never had anything but great sushi at Sumo in Camarillo. Is it the best? No. I’ll give that award to Shibuya in Calabasas (the best ever — and I was raised in Hawaii), but Sumo Camarillo is definitely a winner.

  4. Jenny K

    Thanks for the review.
    But I totally disagree with you.
    In my experience, Sumo is one of the best sushi place to go!
    I lived in NYC many years that you don’t get that such generous pertions at s sushi restaurant like Sumo! and 50%off sushi deal????? where in the world has that kinda deal??

    Not only I love good deals on their price, I love their menu.
    You don’t often find that many kinds of rolls.

    I can’t say ANYTHING bad about Sumo.
    Some of my friends come to eat at sumo from LA.
    I love this place!!! and YES! Sumo is a winner!!

  5. Brian

    It’s probably Irashaimasse! Which means ‘welcome’ in Japanese.

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